Lightning Facts
- Did you know…that a single bolt of lightning carries a relatively large amount of energy, which is approximately 5 billion joules or about the energy stored in 145 litres of petrol. To put it into perspective, the energy could provide one regular household’s electrical needs for a month. This makes lightning strike extremely deadly and its impact is often devastating. To know more about Lightning Strikes and it’s power, click here
- You see the flash. You hear the thunder. Will you know what to do? Learn the basics of thunderstorm development and explore options for staying safe in a lightning storm. Learn from the experts how to stay safe in an electrical storm, as well as warning signs of an impending Lightning Strike. To know more, click here
- There are three main ways lightning enters structures: a direct strike, through wires or pipes that extend outside the structure, and through the ground. Once in a structure, lightning can travel through the electrical, phone, plumbing, and radio/television reception systems. Lightning can also travel through any metal wires or bars in concrete walls or flooring. To learn more about protecting yourself and your property, click here
- How does lightning works? A better understanding of nature’s awesome fury will be extremely helpful in protecting yourself and your loved ones. To learn more, click here
- Why does lightning / static electricity damage electronics? Also learn about the essential components of a lightning protection system. To learn more click here
- Injuries as a result of a lightning strike are often severe and can result in death. Lightning injuries are caused by the electrical damage, intense heat and the mechanical energy which was generated. Lightning strikes can strike directly, “splashed” from nearby objects struck, ground strike and electromagnetic pulse. All there are capable of inflicting severe injuries, permanent disablement and death. To know more about injuries as a result of lightning strikes, click here
- There are four basic types of lightning damage: physical damage, secondary effect damage, electromagnetic effect damage, and damage caused by changes in ground reference potential. Click here to learn more
- How does a lightning rod works? The purpose of lightning rods is often misunderstood. Many people believe that lightning rods “attract” lightning. It is better stated to say that lightning rods provide a low-resistance path to ground that can be used to conduct the enormous electrical currents when lightning strikes occur. If lightning strikes, the system attempts to carry the harmful electrical current away from the structure and safely to ground. Click here to learn more
Lightning DOs and DON’Ts
- Take shelter in a house, large building or car
- In open areas, seek shelter in a low area such as ravine
- In a forest, seek shelder in a low area such as under a thick undergrowth of small trees
- In open water, head for the shore
- Ona bicycle, motorbike or golf cart, get off
- Ona golf course, (without any nearby shelters) put down your clubs, take off spike shoes and crouch into a ball on the ground
- In a group in open, spread out
- Avoid using the telephone, electric appliances and electronic equipment
- Do not stand under tall trees or next to a telephone pole
- Do not stay in the open or on high ground such as roof tops, hill tops etc
- Stay clear of wire or metal fences, metal pipes and rails
- Do not hold metal objects such as umbrellas, golf clubs or bicycles
- Do not load or unload explosive or flammable materials

Unitech is staffed by professionals who are expertly trained and qualified to provide exacting standards of service that are required to service discerning customers. Unitech is committed to protecting your assets, data and most importantly lives in the face of nature’s awesome wrath!
Unitech Pte Ltd
The Lightning Safety Specialists
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